Offer an exciting rewards program that will drive customers back in-store, with no cards or app downloads. With the Digital Loyalty program, customers have multiple easy ways to engage your business. Your customers can scan a QR code or click a text link to visit the mobile web app where they will enter a mobile phone number to sign-up, check-in or redeem an offer. Merchants can also add an in-store kiosk to have two separate channels in which customers can interact with the same program.
Our digital loyalty program gives you the ability to track customers' habits and engage them based on specific critera helping you create a more meaningful relationship with your customers.
Do you have a way to know if a customer hasn't visited your business in 20, 40, or 60 days? How valuable would it be to send an automated text inviting those lapsed customers to return within 7 days? When our customers implement this strategy they see upwards of 25% of their lapsed customers coming back each month.
How does the Digital Loyalty Program work?